Darkness Must Not Hold

I wrote this at a time which I should have been completely content and happy with where I was, but I obviously wasn't.  It is a condition which continually haunts me, when all is right I find truly dark thoughts emerge.  Though I am given good I respond with the bad.  Writing helps to ease these moments, and takes my reflection away from myself to God (where it belongs).

Darkness threatens to infest,
Haunting hallows in my mind.
Sickness quickly starts to bind,
As I rot in stagnant rest.
Though a gift to my heart,
The conflict tears me apart.

Why must I fall so far,
Betraying those who care.
Bitterness comes unaware,
Bending thoughts, it will mar.
I must escape right now,
The only questions how?

My LORD my God please save me,
Restore me unto peace.
Please send me release,
That I'd be free.
This darkness must not hold,
My LORD my God make me bold!


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