
Arise!  Take up sword and shield!
The battle rages on and on,
Through wood and plain and field.
The days for cowardice are gone.
Man lies smoldering in the dust,
Take up swords and wipe off rust!
The battle lines have been drawn!
Look to the East, it is the dawn!

Where once blades did impact,
Words take up the resounding cries!
These are matters of the heart,
As pens cut the way through lies.
Struggle not against the blood,
As it pours down like a flood.
Let crimson wash away evil ties!
Roar heavens tear open skies!

The victory has already been won!
Debt is dead, buried, and denied!
The final blow was of the Son,
And death itself has now died!
The battle rages onward,
Carried by His Holy Word!
Saved for every time I lied,
Comforted even as I cried!

Arise!  Take up sword and shield!
Fight in wood and plain and field!


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