
Ocean waves crash about my life,
Currents fill my mind with strife.
Cherished sanity begins to dive,
Only in death can I be alive.
Through shattering surrender, I survive.

I wonder if it's true,
Can I trust You?

The water rushes faster,
Waves pound against my chest.
A tool of the Master,
He always knows what's best

Water closes far above my head,
Filling my lungs, soon I'll be dead.
Bracing for panic, loosed inside my mind.
Now distant air, seems dull but kind.
What is it that I'm sure to find?

Can this be true?
Forced to trust You.

The water rushes faster,
Waves pound against my chest.
A tool of the Master,
He always knows what's best.

Eyes opened, see my life in full.
Realization, my former life was dull.
I sink into the water's greatest deep,
Those above the waves wander in sleep.
They do not know the promises You keep.

I find it all is true,
I can always trust in You.

The water rushes faster,
Waves pound against my chest.
A tool of the Master,
He always knows what's best.


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